Sunday, March 13, 2016

Pain Vs. The Presence

He will restore us in a very short time; he will heal us in a little while, so that we may live in his presence. (Hosea 6:2 NET_FL)

The cold tile of the hotel bathroom was poor consolation for being too sick to crawl back to bed. I had food poisoning extraordinaire. It’s a cherished memory, however, because as I curled up by the porcelain convenience, the Lord led me to an experiment. I invited his Spirit to join with mine. His presence spread across my heart and I leaned into it. As each wave of pain washed in, I matched it with exerted concentration on the nearness of Jesus.

That experience changed me. My heart declared my Savior was bigger than my pain. Suffering by itself couldn’t accomplish this. I had to take the beauty of God’s felt presence and force it into the teeth of suffering. It allowed me to witness love and pain in face-to-face combat, and to see love win.

That was a minor trial, but any hurt, big or small, will yield to the reversal. Everything, from rejection to the death of a dear one, can become time in the closet pressed against Jesus. In fact, an injury not processed in his presence will leave an open wound in the soul. Only an embrace of the Holy Spirit can cover our exposed nerves with scar tissue that is stronger than the original skin.

Where was my spirit molested? Through meditation I must re-live that moment and, at the height of the devastation, turn to the Lord’s presence. His peace wafts through my soul. Then I shove the victory of God’s greater love into the face of my memory monster. This exercise reveals a truth missed during the original trauma—Jesus, the Comforter, was with me. The force of his presence drives the beast out of my heart.

The event is a nightmare I can shake off because the love of Christ is my waking reality.

Prayer: Jesus, let me process every trial by the power of your presence.

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